D.C. Prime is the proud sponsor of The Loudoun Cares Charity Golf Tournament! We invite you to participate on Monday, April 1oth at Raspberry Falls Golf & Hunt Club in Leesburg, VA. Following the tournament will be a celebratory banquet at the clubhouse with awards and great prizes.

Proceeds benefit Loudoun Cares, a local non-profit organization that connects VOLUNTEERS with over 230 non-profits through an ONLINE Volunteer Center. They also connect THOSE in NEED with resources through their CONNECTLINE Helpline. Loudoun Cares answer the HOW in the question: “How can I help?” AND the WHO in the question “Who can help me?”

To register or for more information about this year’s event, please visit https://bit.ly/loudouncaresgolf2023 or contact Katie for more information: [email protected].

We look forward to seeing you on this great day of golf, and we thank you for supporting this wonderful community organization.